What Does the Bible Say About Putting Children Before Money?

What Does the Bible Say About Putting Children Before Money?

In today’s fast-paced world, the pursuit of wealth often takes precedence over many aspects of life. However, the Bible offers profound insights into the importance of prioritizing children over material wealth. By examining various scriptures, we can understand the biblical perspective on this matter. Read: Daily Verse of the Day Children as a Blessing The … Read more

What does it say about suicide in the Bible? – God Verse of the Day

What does it say about suicide in the Bible?

Understanding Suicide Through a Biblical Lens Suicide is a deeply sensitive and complex issue that has been contemplated and discussed throughout history. Within the Christian faith, the Bible does not explicitly state, “it is a sin to commit suicide.” However, it does provide principles that can guide our understanding of this act. Suicide Prevention Lifeline: … Read more