“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.”
— 1 Peter 5:7 (NIV)
Reflection on Today’s Verse
Life can be unpredictable, full of trials, uncertainties, and challenges that test our faith. But Proverbs 18:10 reminds us of a powerful truth—God is our refuge. His name represents His character, His strength, and His unshakable protection. When we feel weak, anxious, or overwhelmed, we can run to Him, just as a person would flee to a strong fortress in times of danger.
The world may offer temporary solutions, but true security is found in the presence of God. When we call on His name with faith, He provides peace, safety, and strength beyond our own. Whatever you are facing today, trust that God is your unshakable stronghold—He will never fail you.
Personal Prayer
Heavenly Father,
Thank You for being my refuge and my strong tower. When I feel weak or afraid, remind me to run to You and find safety in Your presence. Strengthen my heart, increase my faith, and help me to trust that no storm of life is greater than Your power. I place my fears, worries, and burdens before You today, knowing that You are my ultimate protector. In Jesus’ name, Amen.