Divorce is a sensitive and challenging topic, especially when viewed through the lens of faith. The Bible upholds marriage as a sacred union, but it also acknowledges that there are circumstances where divorce is allowed. Understanding these biblical reasons for divorce can provide clarity and guidance to those facing difficult decisions in their marriages.

3 Reasons for Divorce in the Bible
1. Adultery: A Betrayal of Trust
One of the clearest reasons for divorce in the Bible is adultery. In Matthew 19:9, Jesus states:
“And I say to you: whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery.”
This verse highlights that sexual immorality, which includes adultery, is a legitimate reason for divorce. Adultery breaks the trust and covenant of marriage, making it difficult for spouses to continue their relationship.
Understanding Adultery in the Bible:
- Definition: Adultery refers to a married person engaging in sexual relations with someone other than their spouse.
- Biblical View: The Bible sees adultery as a serious sin that damages the sacred bond of marriage.
- Impact on Marriage: Adultery often leads to broken trust, emotional pain, and difficulty in reconciliation, making divorce a permitted option in such cases.
2. Abandonment: When a Spouse Leaves
The Bible also allows divorce in cases of abandonment. In 1 Corinthians 7:15, it states:
“But if the unbeliever leaves, let it be so. The brother or the sister is not bound in such circumstances.”
This passage suggests that if a non-believing spouse chooses to leave, the believing spouse is no longer obligated to stay in the marriage.
Understanding Abandonment in the Bible:
- Definition: Abandonment occurs when one spouse leaves or neglects their marital responsibilities, whether physically, emotionally, or spiritually.
- Biblical Context: The Bible teaches that marriage is a partnership. If one spouse walks away, especially in cases where reconciliation is impossible, the other spouse is not bound to stay in the marriage.
- Modern Interpretation: Many biblical scholars believe abandonment can extend beyond physical desertion to include emotional neglect and lack of support.
3. Abuse: A Violation of Love and Respect
While the Bible does not explicitly list abuse as a reason for divorce, many interpret its teachings to support the idea that abuse is a valid ground for separation. Exodus 21:10-11 speaks about a husband’s responsibility to provide for his wife, and failing to do so can be seen as neglect or abuse.
Understanding Abuse in the Biblical Context:
- Definition: Abuse includes physical, emotional, verbal, and psychological harm inflicted on a spouse.
- Biblical Perspective: The Bible commands spouses to treat each other with love and respect. Abuse violates these principles and undermines the purpose of marriage.
- Impact on Marriage: An abusive relationship is harmful and unsafe. Many Christian leaders and scholars agree that ongoing abuse is a justifiable reason for divorce when reconciliation is not possible.
Divorce is a complex and emotional issue, but the Bible provides guidance for those struggling in their marriages. Adultery, abandonment, and abuse are considered valid reasons for divorce in the biblical context. While the Bible encourages faithfulness and reconciliation whenever possible, it also recognizes that some situations make divorce necessary. If you are facing difficulties in your marriage, seeking spiritual and professional guidance can help you make an informed decision.
What are the biblical reasons for divorce?
The three main biblical reasons for divorce are adultery, abandonment, and abuse.
Does the Bible encourage divorce?
No, the Bible encourages reconciliation, but it allows divorce in certain cases where the marriage covenant is broken.
Can a divorced person remarry according to the Bible?
Matthew 19:9 suggests that remarriage is permissible if the divorce was due to sexual immorality. However, biblical interpretations may vary.
Is abuse a valid reason for divorce in Christianity?
While not explicitly stated, many scholars and Christian leaders believe abuse violates the principles of love and respect, making it a justifiable reason for divorce.
What should I do if I am facing marital difficulties?
Seek guidance from a pastor, counselor, or trusted spiritual leader. Professional help and prayer can provide support in making the right decision.